≡Screambox≡ Free Movie The Matrix
9 of 10
release date
Lilly Wachowski
2H, 16 Minute
I've always wondered does an agent have a true form or does it always take another body.
There is no Matrix without Laurence Fishburne.
Still not as epic as Hudson's death from Aliens :D. 1st time I seen the trailer. Can't imagine what I wouldve thought of this movie had I seen the trailer before I actually watched the film. Amazing. I love this movie so much. Notice the coloring: they even put green thingies on the buildings around that scene! Master piece. All of my friends love this movie back in the olden days.
Who else doesnt like prequels.
Gen ius: Extraordinary intellectual and/or creative power. (Dictionary definition)
This film is cinematic genius.
An amazing plot combined with super special effects never before seen in the cinema make this movie a modern work of art and one of the best movies of all time.
The depth of the characters in this movies is more than meets the eye - besides the characters themselves, each one excellently performed, the names and the general plot suggest mythological characters, some with a role similar to the roles of those in the movie.
The movie, technically speaking, is filmed to absolute perfection - after watching this film over and over and over and over, i have not found one single technical goof. Whatever video/computer techniques the makers of the movie used for the special effects is totally transparent to the watcher - unlike older movies, where you could tell a computer or plastic doll or whatever was being used, in this movie all you see is the real world (as real as it gets in this movie. and everything that happens (visually) is totally believable.
The plot, although being a far out science fiction plot, is believable, technologically speaking. The extremely scary thing is, though, were this already true - most of us, just like in the movie - would have no way of knowing that we were what we were. br>
As for the movie itself - there is not one unnecessary second in the film. Smooth, high action from beginning to end.
The only movie that has ever gotten an 11 out of 10 rating from me, this movie is one league above all other movies in it's genre, and is the next level in sci-fi and special effects.
If you have not seen this film, go do so NOW. I personally have not met one person that didn't say this film was excellent, to say the least.
Free Movie ÐÐÑÑde don quichotte. The look on Mifune's face when the kid said Got it gives me chills that man was ready to die.
The movie begins like a normal police film and later everything turns rare. Excellent. 0:38 - 0:48 Best shot in the whole movie (and the main reason why we love this film. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, and we are the cure. Agent Smith. Its gonna suck anyway. matrix ended with the trilogy. this will be full of woke feminazi agenda and new age bullcrap with circular reasoning and pseudophilosophy. 20 years from this piece of art called movie, ladies and gentleman. First movie me and my dad saw together that we actually had a conversation about dad is the silent business he was like a little kid after watching this wouldn't even let me go to bed after we got home from the movies and my mom had to come get him from my room... It's all cgi nowadays, god this is good.
I walked up this street in Sydney and did Morpheus speech while walking when I was a teen 😂.
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